At its 122nd Anniversary Celebration, the Historical Society of Washington, D.C. will honor Lonnie G. Bunch III, founding director of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), with its third Visionary Historian Award. The Visionary Historian award is presented to an individual whose lifetime body of work represents the highest achievement in the study of Washington, D.C. and related history. This year’s award will be presented to Mr. Bunch by Mayor Muriel Bowser and Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton.

“Under Lonnie Bunch’s visionary leadership, the new National Museum of African American History and Culture gathers the local concerns that make up the national story,” explains John Suau, executive director of the Historical Society of Washington, D.C. “Our organization has always connected local history to the national story because so often Washington, D.C. not only reflects local concerns, but also reflects national responses to those concerns. In addition, the members of the Historical Society applaud Lonnie Bunch for not only giving the world access to the new museum’s stirring and important stories of our shared past, but also for giving local Washingtonians a front-row seat each and every day.”
The evening event will be emceed by Knight Kiplinger, President and Editor-In-Chief, The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc. Previous recipients of the Visionary Historian Award include Kathryn Schneider Smith and Dr. James M. Goode. The honorees for the 5th Annual Making D.C. History Awards will be announced at the conclusion of the program.
Tickets: $50/ Historical Society members, $75/ Non-members. Ticket price includes drinks and hors d’oeuvres during the reception and desserts during the after-party, from 8:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Parking: Parking is limited. The Carnegie Library is located within close walking distance from Mt. Vernon Square and Gallery Place metro stops, and across the street from D4, 70, 74, and DC Circulator bus stops.
The evening also features the live portion of the auction from the exhibit “For the Record: Changing D.C.” You can view and place your bids online and by proxy. Please visit: 32auctions.com/fortherecord2016.
Ticket price includes light refreshments during the reception and more District-focused food during the after-party, from 8 – 9 pm.