This spring the DC History Center said goodbye to its long-time Board Chair Julie Koczela and welcomed Maria Casarella in this key position.
After 13 years of dedicated volunteer leadership, Julie reached the end of her final term and stepped down from her formal role. Julie’s gifts of time and talent are almost too numerous to count, and throughout, her energy, enthusiasm, good humor, and most importantly her vision, have kept us moving forward, even during the hardest of times.

Most notably, she led the DC History Center’s team in its complex negotiations with Events DC and Apple, with the successful result we know today. Although she is no longer serving on the Board, we know she will continue to contribute meaningfully in her new capacity as Chair Emerita.
We are delighted to share that Maria Casarella AIA has stepped into Julie’s role as Board Chair. Maria has been on the DC History Center board for five years, most recently chairing the Strategic Planning Committee and serving as Vice Chair.
Maria is a co-leader of VMDO DC Architects, with over 25 years of award-winning residential, institutional, and historic preservation experience in Washington, DC. She was a member of the DC Historic Preservation Review Board from 2008 to 2015 and currently serves on the Board of N Street Village. She holds a BA in Architecture from Catholic University and a MArch from Columbia University.

Maria’s expertise in leading prominent architectural projects throughout the city, including at St. Elizabeth’s East, has given her a deep appreciation of the rich diversity of its neighborhoods and the needs of its communities.
Her parents met and were married in Mount Pleasant, a historic neighborhood in which her Colombian mother represented an emerging Latino community. Her parents fostered her connection to the people and the culture of the city via regular weekend expeditions. In short, Maria’s deep passion for local DC makes her a perfect fit for leading our organization into the future.
Please join us in welcoming Maria!