For a little over a century, the historic Walter Reed Army Medical Center was not only a flagship facility for medical treatment, but also a significant employer, economic engine, and public gathering space for upper Ward 4, shaping the communities surrounding it—from Shepherd Park, Brightwood, and Takoma to Colonial Village and North Portal Estates—until the federal government left the site in 2011.

The DC History Center is delighted to announce that this fall we are partnering with The Parks at Walter Reed to identify historical facts and stories from past and present residents of the historically Black neighborhoods surrounding the Walter Reed campus. This community-based project will seek to honor and elevate the stories of people who worked, lived, and played on and around the 110-acre site.
Though many books have been written about notables treated on site, this exciting collaboration will put the people and communities whose lives have been shaped by the campus at the center of the narrative. We are proud to preserve and share the stories of Washingtonians who have witnessed its historic evolution, and now its carefully planned transformation.
In collaboration with The Parks at Walter Reed’s development and events team and Prologue DC, the DC History Center will organize three community meetings this fall, followed by individual interviews. The community meeting dates are:
- Saturday, October 16, 9 to 11 am: – RSVP here
- Wednesday, October 27, 7:30 to 9:30 pm – RSVP here
- Thursday, November 4, 7:30 to 9:30 pm – RSVP here

Save the dates! If you have a connection to or memories of the historic Walter Reed Army Medical Center or the surrounding neighborhoods, we want to hear from you.
To receive updates, provide your contact information through this brief form. Please don’t hesitate to contact Rachel L. Davis at or Maggie Downing at with any questions. Additional details will be posted on the website here.