National History Day in DC, a student competition, takes place March 15, 2025 at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library. In person for the first time since 2019, the DC History Center is running the local contest for DC-students grades 6-12. Each year, over 2,000 local students do in-depth research to create original documentaries, exhibits, performances, research papers, or websites exploring a breadth of historical topics within an annual theme.
National History Day is more than just a competition. It’s a way for half a million students, nationally and internationally, to spend the school year learning historical skills including research, writing, and analyzing primary sources while also practicing public speaking. In DC, students compete at the school, club, or homeschool level then advance to the regional level. Winners of the March 15 NHD in DC contest compete at the National level in June.
This student-focused event takes place at MLK Library, so it is open to the public with limited opportunities to view and celebrate students’ projects.
12:30 – 5:00 pm Student Exhibits on display, 1st floor, Great Hall
4:30 – 5:00 pm Student Award Ceremony, 5th floor, Auditorium