Spandorf, Wymer, Machen, Woodies, Hechinger’s. The German Orphan Home, the Rainbow History Project, the Heurich family. The Cleveland Park Historical Society, the Palisades Citizens Association, the Anacostia Coordinating Council. Barrett! Proctor! The Rambler! When we talk about the heart of the Historical Society – its collections – these are among the names and organizations you’ll hear.
If you don’t know your Jex from your Zinnia, wonder how the staff & volunteers are handling a recent donation, or are curious about the status of a collection you’re familiar with, keep your eye on this space. Beginning next week, we’ll be posting collections updates on acquisitions old and new.
Which collections have recently piqued researcher interest? Which collections are currently being processed? What new donations have recently made their way to the Society’s doors? Are there collections that are nominations for revenue generation, or candidates for special funds towards preservation and increased access?
Each week, we’ll be addressing these sorts of questions as well as spotlighting manuscripts, maps, photographs, artwork and ephemera that help tell the story of our city’s heritage. Stay tuned!