The DC History Center’s University Advisory Group is composed of academic historians who teach DC history locally and nationwide. The group facilitates information-sharing not only about the most recent and compelling research in the field, but also about DC History Center resources such as its collections, publications, and opportunities for students. This exchange creates exciting pathways for translating academic scholarship to a broad community audience, as well as encourage emerging scholars of DC history. The University Advisory Group reviews submissions for the Totman Fellowship.

Kim Hoagland, Chair (2022-present)
Professor Emerita, Department of Social Sciences Michigan Technological University
Areas of Expertise: History and historic preservation

Paula Austin (2022-present)
Assistant Professor of History and African American and Black Diaspora Studies
Boston University
Areas of Expertise: African American history, the history of race and racism, visual culture, urban, education, and women’s history, the history of social science, and the history of childhood.

Jacqueline Carmichael, ASID, CKD, NCIDQ (2022-present)
Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Interior Design
Howard University
Areas of Expertise: Chronic displacement, affordability, and housing historiography within the District of Columbia through design, and the defining of African American aesthetics in residential interiors.

Michael K. Fauntroy (2022-present)
Associate Professor of Policy and Government
George Mason University
Areas of Expertise: African American political behavior, political parties, social policy, the presidency, U.S. politics and legal studies, and voting rights policy.

Tikia K. Hamilton (2022-present)
Assistant Professor of History
Loyola University Chicago
Areas of Expertise: African American history, 20th century U.S. history, African American/U.S. women’s history, the history of education, and urban history.

Amanda Huron (2022-present)
Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
University of the District of Columbia
Areas of Expertise: Affordable housing, the urban commons, and the historic and contemporary geography of Washington, DC.

Chris Klemek (2022-present)
Associate Professor of History
George Washington University
Areas of Expertise: Modern Europe, 20th century United States, public policy, urban studies, and Washington, DC history, culture, and politics.

Kate Masur (2022-present)
Professor of History
Northwestern University
Areas of Expertise: Race, politics, and law in 19th century United States.

Nancy Mirabal (2023-present)
Associate Professor
University of Maryland
Areas of Expertise: African American/African Diaspora, Latinx Studies

George Derek Musgrove (2022-present)
Associate Professor of History
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Area of Expertise: Post WWII United States history with an emphasis on African American politics.

Ana Ndumu (2023-present)
Assistant Professor
University of Maryland
Areas of Expertise: Immigrant information Justice

Tamika Nunley (2022-present)
Associate Professor of History
Cornell University
Areas of Expertise: History of slavery, African American women’s and gender history, the early Republic, and the American Civil War.

Adrienne Petty (2022-present)
Associate Professor of History
William & Mary
Areas of Expertise: 19th century African American history, and DC history and culture.

Ashley Robertson Preston (2022-present)
Assistant Professor
Howard University
Areas of Expertise: Activism of Black women during the early 20th century, particularly the work of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune.

Malgorzata Rymsza-Pawlowska (2022-present)
Associate Professor of History
American University
Areas of Expertise: Cultural history of 19th and 20th century U.S.

Stephen West (2023-present)
Assistant Professor
Catholic University of America
Areas of Expertise: American Civil War, Reconstruction

Patrick Scallen, Editor, Washington History
Adjunct Professor
American University
Area of Expertise: Salvadoran DC