Part one of a virtual class for small, DC-based cultural organizations on accessible digital collections

This fall, staff and volunteers at small DC-based cultural heritage organizations are invited to join the DC History Center for two FREE virtual training sessions relating to digital collections: Digital Imaging Basics and Copyright Tool Tips and Tracking. Participants must register for part one and part two separately.
PART ONE: Digital Imaging Basics
This online class will help you lay some of the basic groundwork needed to understand how digital images are created. In the class we will define our terms, discuss creating master, access and thumbnail images, and learn about quality control procedures. The class will discuss hardware, software and image delivery. The class will also take a look at what can be achieved with the digital imaging best practices recommended in this class.
These sessions are geared towards the needs and available resources of small organizations such as neighborhood historical societies and community-based arts and culture organizations looking to build and/or maintain digital collections for public access. Each organization may register up to three people, with the same registrants ideally attending both sessions.
The sessions will be led by LYRASIS consultant Leigh Grinsted, and are made possible by a grant to the DC History Center from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.